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The Road to Hana
May 15, 2000







The Hana highway is roughly 60 miles of twisting turning paved road beginning in Kahului, through Pia'a, and ending up in the tiny city of Hana. George Harrison supposedly has a home in Hana. It would certainly be a suitably remote location for a Beatle to hide. 

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One lane bridges, state parks, sheer cliffs, waterfalls, remote beaches, and a lush landscape dot the highway. I have a somewhat difficult time conveying to the girls why we are going there. Its about the journey, not the destination, I explain. Those who arrive in the city (town?) of Hana and say "What's the big deal?" have missed the point entirely. Being cranky and tired from the previous 8 hour Haleakala sunrise jaunt, Kelli and Ilynn are close to missing the point. They sleep much of the way and bitch about my driving.  Understand, the road is narrow and sinewy, and many of the turns are nearly 180 degrees. So they do get tossed around in the van a bit. (note to self: next time rent a convertible or jeep) 

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Its a very sunny and dry day in this normally wet and rainy region of Maui. The waterfalls are fewer than I remember and the streams are mostly dried up. Nonetheless, we get some scenic photos. I'll just let them tell their own story. 

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Waterfalls like these dot the Hawaiian rainforest

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The Kaenae Peninsula

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Halfway there! Quick stop for a shave ice

The sky seems impossibly blue, the temp is about 85 degrees, and the sun is relentless, just to give you an idea of this leg of our trip.

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Just another panoramic vista

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An old church in Hana

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Above and below: picturesque Hamoa  beach. We camp there for lunch and an afternoon of baking in the sun.

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Banana trees...admit it, you always wondered what they looked like naturally...

If you go to Maui and are considering both the road to Hana and seeing a sunrise, I suggest you don't do them both in the same day. 

We leave Hamoa beach around 3 p.m., and are back at the condo by 4:30 because you don't stop to gawk and snap pictures. By now, we've been up and in the van for about 15 hours. 

Oh yeah, Carol, Kelli and Ilynn packed a wonderful lunch that we took in the cooler before we left. That is definitely a must if do the road to Hana.