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Day 2
May 10, 2000







Our first full day on "The Valley Isle" was a typical Maui day at the pool/beach. If you recall, I've been up since 4 a.m. or so but I am not feeling it yet (as of 4 p.m. anyway). The day began with a nice rosy sunrise...

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Here's the view I had for most of the rest of the morning...

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Remember- click to enlarge and use back button to return!

It was pretty much a laid back kind of day. I'm not much of a "laying out" kind of guy (Carol says I can't sit still very well) so I go off gallivanting with camera in hand for some random picture taking.

Click here to go to my random pics page. Or don't. It's quite up to you.


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They label this room "Deluxe Ocean View" category and we can see why below...

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The Lanai view...

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Kelli and Ilynn forgo the pool and head straight for the beach.

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Kelli & Ilynn enjoy Polo Beach