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Day 3
May 11, 2000







Day 3 is continued here so as not to tax anyone's low speed browser too much with heavy image downloading. 

We coerced Kelli & Ilynn to wake up early and put on some decent clothes to get some "nice" pictures taken on the grounds of the Kea Lani. 

Of course, the morning was beautiful and sunny and the pictures came out great. I'm not in very many of them but thats the price you pay for being the photographer. Who wants to look at me in a flowery aloha shirt anyway? 

Check out the wahines and the flowers in these images...

kl03_10.jpg (58444 bytes)
Birds and Wife of Paradise


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We're a little washed out here..


I don't know why I keep saying this but by now you should know that you can click on any image below to view a larger version. Use your back button to return.

kl03_13.jpg (63572 bytes)

kl03_09.jpg (70420 bytes)
K & I in front of the tiered fountain

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The background almost looks like Carol is standing in front of a postcard...

kl03_12.jpg (93744 bytes)
Do I look stiff or what? Hang loose for crying out loud!