Our Lady of Guadalupe Church

Just West of the square is the Iglesia de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe, (Our Lady of Guadalupe) the local cathedral, a significant cultural and spiritual landmark for the people of this town. Depending upon your vantage point, you can get some terrific photographs of this beautiful church. Although I didn’t take the time, I understand you can go inside the church as well which is adorned with beautiful stained glass.

church10.jpg (57196 bytes) Construction of the cathedral began in 1918 and was not completed until 1951. The gilded crown that tops the church is a replica of the crown worn by Carlota, empress of Mexico in the 1860’s, the exterior of which is decorated with 8 angels holding hands.

The original crown was made of concrete but damaged in the 1995 earthquake. The fiberglass crown that is there now will be replaced by one made of brass. The famous sculpter Octavio Gonzales has been commissioned to build the new one that parishoners hope to see in place for the celebration of the Virgin of the Guadalupe in December, 2001.


Note the time in the picture above, there will be a quiz later.